
Number of Models:
information tooltip image The number of models that include elements aligned with the given construct.


information tooltip image Components abstracted from each model and aligned with the given construct.


Client Characteristics

Clinical leadership



Community-based decision makers

Design Intervention Prototype - (4B) design intervention for fit to community setting and population

Design Intervention Prototype - Integrate 4A and B to develop intervention components; vet prototype for relevance and potential for success.

Identify Community Infrastructure and Engage Partners - Identify Partners and Form an Academic Community Coalition to Address the Health Disparity

Identifying and engaging stakeholders

Include Stakeholders

Key partners

Key personnel

Key players

Local stakeholders

Multiple stakeholders

Other organizations

Partners - Identify optimal community settings


Phase 0: identification of potential areas of low-value healthcare

Phase 1: Identification of Local Priorities for Implementation of CW Recommendations

Phase 2: identifying barriers and potential interventions to implement CW recommendations

Politicians (Stakeholders)

Regulators, staff, decision makers

Research and published guidelines; clinical experiences and perceptions; patient experiences, needs, preferences; local practice information; characteristics of the targeted EBP


Social Network (Inter-Organizations)

Staff/Individual Characteristics


Steering committees

Who is represented

Related Models:

Assessment Instruments:
information tooltip image External link to measures on the GEM site for the given construct.