Context – Inner setting
Number of Models:
The number of models that include elements aligned with the given construct.
48 Elements:
Components abstracted from each model and aligned with the given construct.
Absorptive CapacityAbsorptive Capacity for new knowledge
Accountability, Reciprocity, Respect
Administrative environment
Attitudes, Motivations, and Readiness towards
Available Resources
Being a learning organization
Broad Context
Bureaucratic Variables
Business Model
Capacity/Needs Assessment
Center Schedules
Centralized decision-making
Climate for Implementation
Climate for Research Use
Community resources
Consensus processes
Context characteristics
Culture Sensitivity
Data and decision support
Dissemination Resources
Educational environment
Empirical evidence about effects of intervention components
Environmental Planning
Features of the Adopting Organization
Fiscal Measure
Health System Characteristics
Identify Multiple Inputs for New Program - Obtain input from community on locally developed programs, community resources, and target population (formative evaluation)
Implementation Climate
Info systems
Informational Assessment
Inner and Outer Context
Inner Setting
Innovation Fit with Users’ Norms and Values
Institution constraints
Integrate Context
Leadership Engagement
Leadership support; culture; evaluation capabilities; receptivity to the targeted innovation/change
Learning Climate
Local Level
Management support
Management support and communication
Material resources
Norms, Values, and Cultures
Organization - implementation
Organization - PSE
Organizational Capacity
Organizational characteristics
Organizational characteristics (Recipients)
Organizational culture
Organizational culture and structure
Organizational decision making
Organizational Factors
Organizational factors (club factors)
Organizational factors influencing implementation
Organizational health and culture
Organizational Incentives & Rewards
Organizational Influence
Organizational Level
Organizational perspective (Program-Intervention)
Organizational Resources
Organizational structures
Overall practice environment
Partners - Identify optimal community settings
Past Experience
Physical Structure
Policies and Procedures
Quality Improvement and Reward
Quality Rating (CO Shines)
Readiness for Change/Capacity to Adopt
Relationships and networks
Research and published guidelines; clinical experiences and perceptions; patient experiences, needs, preferences; local practice information; characteristics of the targeted EBP
Resource allocation
Resources available
Service Organization
Setting—How different are the settings of the trial from the usual care setting?
Shared commitments
Shared goals and cooperation
Social Organization
Staff Retention
Staff training
Staffing and incentives
Structural Characteristics
Structure & Process
System antecedents for innovation - receptive context for change: leadership and vision, good managerial relations, risk-taking climate, clear goals and priorities, high-quality data capture
System antecedents for innovation - structure: size/maturity, formalization, differentiation, decentralization, slack resources
Systems and training
Workplace Context
The definition of the construct.
Inner setting includes features of structural, political, and cultural contexts through which the implementation process will proceed. Edited by Jon 7/12/21 Related Models:
- Advancing health disparities research within the health care system
- Availability, Responsiveness & Continuity (ARC): An Organizational & Community Intervention Model
- Behaviour Change Wheel
- Blueprint for Dissemination
- Choosing Wisely Deimplementation Framework
- Conceptual Model of Knowledge Utilization
- conNECT Framework
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) 2.0
- Context and Implementation of Complex Interventions (CICI) framework
- Coordinated Implementation Model
- Dissemination and Implementation Framework for an Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Program
- Dissemination of Evidence-based Interventions to Prevent Obesity
- Dynamic Sustainability Framework
- EMTReK - Evidence-based Model for the Transfer and Exchange of Research Knowledge
- EQ-DI Framework
- Evidence Integration Triangle
- Facilitating Adoption of Best Practices (FAB) Model
- Framework for Analyzing Adoption of Complex Health Innovations
- Framework for Enhancing the Value of Research for Dissemination and Implementation
- Framework for Spread
- Framework for the Dissemination & Utilization of Research for Health-Care Policy & Practice
- Framework of Dissemination in Health Services Intervention Research
- General theory of implementation
- Generic Implementation Framework
- Greenhalgh Diffusion of Innovations in Service Organizations
- Health Equity Implementation Framework
- Health Promotion Research Center Framework
- Implementation Effectiveness Model
- Interactive Systems Framework
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Knowledge Transfer and Exchange
- Model for Predictors of Adoption
- Organizational Theory of Innovation Implementation
- Pathways to Evidence Informed Policy
- Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM)
- Pragmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary 2
- Precede-Proceed Model
- Process Model of Implementation from a Policy Perspective Depicting the Process at One Policy Level
- Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS)
- Push-Pull Capacity Model
- RAND Model of Persuasive Communication and Diffusion of Medical Innovation
- RE-AIM 2.0/Contextually Expanded RE-AIM
- Real-World Dissemination
- Replicating Effective Programs Framework
- The SPIRIT Action Framework
- Transcreation Framework for Community-engaged Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities
- Weiner organizational readiness
Assessment Instruments:
External link to measures on the GEM site for the given construct.
- AHRQ Digital Health Equity Framework
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Interview Guide (Lam)
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Interview Guide (Zhao)
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Interview Guide Webtool
- Context Matters Reporting Template
- Glisson's Organizational Social Context (OSC)
- Implementation Climate Scale (ICS)
- Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS)
- integrated-Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (i-PARIHS) Interview Guide
- Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool (ISAT)
- Iterative, Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (iPRISM) Webtool
- Local Wellness Policy Implementation Checklist
- Normalization Process Theory Interview Guide
- Normalization Process Theory Questionnaire (NoMAD)
- Partnership/Synergy Assessment Tool
- Policy Coalition Evaluation Tool (PCET)
- Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) Contextual Survey Instrument (PCSI)
- Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) Interview Guide
- Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT)
- Rapid Assessment Procedure Informed Clinical Ethnography (RAPICE) Protocol, Activity, and Interview Prompt Guide
- Rapid Assessment Procedure Informed Clinical Ethnography (RAPICE) Summary Template
- Readiness for Recovery and Resiliency - Interview Guide
- Readiness Thinking Tool - Observation Guide
- Readiness Thinking Tool - Survey
- Rehabilitation Policy Questionnaire
- Short Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT)
- Stages of Implementation Completion (SIC)