Number of Models:
The number of models that include elements aligned with the given construct.
19 Elements:
Components abstracted from each model and aligned with the given construct.
criteria) to promote best practices"Define the Scope of the Practice Question
Defining the range of opportunities for action
Describe the ideas
Determine predictors of adherence/non-adherence
Empirical Studies
Identification Adherence Rates Modifications
Identification of high-risk/high-volume diseases/problems
Identification of Need for new intervention
Identify Adherence Rates
Identify an EBP Question
Identify and implement interventions (including performance
Identify and intervene
Identify and Specify Problem
Identify Best Practices
Identify Potential Interventions and Activities
Identify Problems
Identify the next steps
Identifying the contributing factors and points of intervention
Issue salience
Nature of the problem
Patient population or problem
Phase 1: Identification of Local Priorities for Implementation of CW Recommendations
Phase 2: identifying barriers and potential interventions to implement CW recommendations
Problem Definition
Specify Theory - Determine theoretical basis for behavioral changes
Topic Selection
Related Models:
- Adherence Optimization Framework
- Choosing Wisely Deimplementation Framework
- Conceptual Model of Knowledge Utilization
- Convergent Diffusion and Social Marketing Approach for Dissemination
- EQ-DI Framework
- Framework for Analyzing Adoption of Complex Health Innovations
- Framework for Knowledge Translation
- Framework for Spread
- Framework for Translating Evidence into Action
- Health Promotion Technology Transfer Process
- Interacting Elements of Integrating Science, Policy, and Practice
- Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model and Guidelines
- Kingdon's Multiple-Streams Framework
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Model for Improving the Dissemination of Nursing Research
- Replicating Effective Programs Framework
- Streams of Policy Process
- The SPIRIT Action Framework
- Transcreation Framework for Community-engaged Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities