Context – Outer setting
Number of Models:
The number of models that include elements aligned with the given construct.
15 Elements:
Components abstracted from each model and aligned with the given construct.
Community environmentCommunity Infrastructure
Community Standards
Complementary Initiatives
ECE System
Economic environment
Empirical evidence about effects of intervention components
Environmental characteristics
Environmental Stability
External Environment
External factors (e.g., new info technology, perceived status by society, economic recession, media)
External Policy & Incentives
Food Systems
Funding Sources
Government Policy and Regulation
Government regulatory process
Healthcare System
Identify Multiple Inputs for New Program - Obtain input from community on locally developed programs, community resources, and target population (formative evaluation)
Inner and Outer Context
Institutional Accomodation
Interorganizational Norm Setting
Local and state policy
Market Forces
Other Practice Settings
Outer Context
Outer Setting
Physical activity-friendly environments
Policies & Incentives
Policy, Regulation, Resources, Organization
Political and Professional
Political Environment
Politically feasible
Population Characteristics
Practice Environment
Practice setting characteristics
Prevailing Macro Conditions
Prevention Delivery system
Prevention support systems
Prevention synthesis and translation system
Problem-Focused Triggers
Professional norms
Quality of Providers
Regulation and Financial Incentives
Regulatory conditions
Regulatory environment
Service and access
Service Provider
Service Provision
Social Determinants of Health
Social Determinants/Context
Social Network (Inter-Systems)
Social norms
Social roles
Social System
Social, Cultural and Economic Context
Societal Influence
Sociocultural Factors
System Antecedents for Innovation
System of Power, Policies
System Policy
System-Level and Contextual Factors
Tension for Change
Triggers to Improve Practice Through Research
Triggers to Improve Practice Through Research,Community Environment
The definition of the construct.
Outer setting includes the economic, political, and social context within which an implementing organization resides.Edited by Jon 7/12/21 Related Models:
- Advancing health disparities research within the health care system
- Availability, Responsiveness & Continuity (ARC): An Organizational & Community Intervention Model
- Behaviour Change Wheel
- Blueprint for Dissemination
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research Knowledge Translation within the Research Cycle Model or Knowledge Action Model
- Choosing Wisely Deimplementation Framework
- Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)
- Conceptual Framework For The Comparative Analysis of Policy Change
- Conceptual Model of Knowledge Utilization
- Conceptualizing Dissemination Research and Activity: Canadian Heart Health Initiative
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) 2.0
- Context and Implementation of Complex Interventions (CICI) framework
- Kingdon's Multiple-Streams Framework
- Process Model of Implementation from a Policy Perspective Depicting the Process at One Policy Level
- The SPIRIT Action Framework
Assessment Instruments:
External link to measures on the GEM site for the given construct.
- AHRQ Digital Health Equity Framework
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Interview Guide (Lam)
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Interview Guide (Zhao)
- Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) Interview Guide Webtool
- Context Matters Reporting Template
- integrated-Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (i-PARIHS) Interview Guide
- Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool (ISAT)
- Local Wellness Policy Implementation Checklist
- Partnership/Synergy Assessment Tool
- Policy Coalition Evaluation Tool (PCET)
- Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) Contextual Survey Instrument (PCSI)
- Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) Interview Guide
- Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT)
- Rapid Assessment Procedure Informed Clinical Ethnography (RAPICE) Protocol, Activity, and Interview Prompt Guide
- Rapid Assessment Procedure Informed Clinical Ethnography (RAPICE) Summary Template
- Readiness for Recovery and Resiliency - Interview Guide
- Readiness Thinking Tool - Observation Guide
- Readiness Thinking Tool - Survey
- Rehabilitation Policy Questionnaire
- Rutten’s Health Policy Questionnaire
- Short Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT)